Release Day!!

I love release day. A new book is out in the world. It is also ‘clean my office’ day. hahahaha I always clear my desk, put notes and notebooks away, and polish my desk before I move on to the next book.

Zombies on the Set is a zombie apocalypse story without the romance I usually put in my books. I was watching The Walking Dead and a zombie (actor) leaned in and tried to bite one of the characters. I was like “Oh, boy. Good thing they aren’t real zombies. How would they know until someone got bit?” Yes, folks. That is how quickly an idea can come to a writer. I love when that happens. It is ‘magic.’

Zombies on the Set is available on Amazon, Smashwords, and hopefully in a few days everywhere Smashwords distributes; Apple, B&N, and Kobo, among others.

Wyatt and Taylor are big Hollywood stars and wish they were anywhere but on the set of a low-budget horror film when the zombie extras become the undead. Can the movie stars survive a real apocalypse?

Jill James, author of the Time of Zombies series of zompoc romances

New Release!

Four Christmas Tales of Romance

Just Released! Four of my previous Christmas books bundled into one collection for this Christmas.

Contains Baby Steps and Snowflakes, In My Dreams, Sugar Sprinkled Memories, and Waking Up for Christmas.

Just 99¢ for the collection or FREE to read with Kindle Unlimited!!

Get it at AMAZON today!!

Jill James, author of Christmas at Lake Willowbee

What I’m Reading

Or rereading as the case may be, The Final Outbreak: The Madness Chronicles. When I realized I owned this boxed set after seeing the ad for it (the joy of Amazon) I started reading it, forgetting I’d already read it before. The story is intense. The characters are fleshed out and realistic. The plot is full-throttle, action, adventure, and danger around every turn. I’ll probably keep it to read again sometime down the road…A+ books.

Jesus Christ Superstar

Went to a Broadway in Reno show last night. Jesus Christ Superstar. I only remember seeing it on television as a pre-teen.

The performers were excellent. Only con against the show is that it runs 90 minutes without intermission. I did okay, so that was a plus for me!

The music was great!! Highly recommend seeing it if you haven’t.

Jill James, lover of musicals

Happy Valentine’s Weekend

Wishing you love and kisses this Valentine’s weekend. If you get a chance, pick up a sweet romance for FREE from me and Amazon. Available at AMAZON and Kindle Unlimited.

A woman running from her past mistakes, a man buried by his doubts of the future, and a dying town that needs them both. Will Cassie and Ben find all the answers they seek in the last place they expected?

Happy Valentine’s Weekend, Jill James

1st Time

I’ve been reading books since I was 2 1/2 years old. I love books. I love stories. I love the thrill of not knowing how the story will go. How it will end. Until now!

I started reading The Jailhouse Lawyer by James Patterson that I got for Christmas. Now, I’m one of those readers who can’t imagine why some people say they have to read the last chapter to make sure it all works out in the end. What?!! Why would you do that? I never understood why readers would do that. Until now.

The Jailhouse Lawyer starts off with a bang, grabs you by the throat, and doesn’t let up. For the first time in my whole book-reading life, I had to read the last few pages to make sure the heroine survived. I’ve been spoiled by romance novels and happily-ever-after and burned by horror and its never sure survival rate of main characters.

Does the heroine survive? I’m not telling. Why spoil the thrill for everyone else? 🙂

Jill James, romance author and voracious reader

Wish Pot 2021-2022

Years ago, a friend got me a wish pot. You put your hopes, wishes, and goals for the new year inside on a slip of paper. By writing them down, the wish is that they manifest into truth.

On New Year’s Eve, I took out last year’s slips of paper. Joyfully, I found I had accomplished 3 of my 4 goals for the year. Somehow, taking one class a month had been forgotten and not done.

So, into the pot went 3 goals for 2022. One for personal. One for health. One for writing.

May all your goals, dreams, and wishes come true in 2022.

Jill James, goal-setter

Nanowrimo is done

The event, that is. The book? Not so much. Some years I win, some years I come close, some years, like this year, life got in the way.

First, I started a new book for Nano, and it just wasn’t coming. So, I went with a work in progress and I got some words, but not enough.

Just like in life itself. Trying your hardest is good enough.

Jill James, author of the Ghost Releasers, Inc. series of paranormal ghost romance

Hamilton – review

To say I loved Hamilton would be a major understatement. The crowd was electric. Major applause after every scene. The turntable stage was beyond awesome. There are not enough kudos for the performers. I can not imagine memorizing so many lines and singing and dancing and giving each “founding father” a personality.

I was cheering, laughing, and crying. They brought the human experience to life. No one is perfect. We all have flaws. Some are there for all of history to record.

I would go and see it again in a heartbeat.

Jill James, thrilled fan

New Release – Trapped in Christmas

I love releasing my holiday books. This year’s is book 2 in the Mistletoe Valley series. Book 1 was My Mistletoe Hero released last Christmas.

Trapped in Christmas is the story of magazine writer Laura Logan, who is sent to Mistletoe Valley to dig up the dirt about a town that is the epitome of the holiday spirit. She doesn’t believe in Christmas or Mistletoe Valley and she is all set up to find the scam behind the town. When she falls for Andy Henderson, the animal shelter owner, she discovers there is magic in the holiday and sometimes dreams and wishes can come true.

Get it at AMAZON or read for free with kindle unlimited.

Jill James, author of the Mistletoe Valley series of sweet, holiday stories

May you discover the magic of the season and keep it all year long!

Trapped in Christmas

That is the title of my Christmas book this year. Take one writer who doesn’t believe in Christmas and plunk her down into a small mountain town that is the epitome of the Christmas spirit and you have Trapped in Christmas. Add a snowstorm that shuts down the highway, a handsome animal shelter owner, a bakery owner who may be a little magical, and you may be stuck in Mistletoe Valley for the holidays.

I’m getting a cover by the end of October and Trapped in Christmas should be up on Amazon by the beginning of November! Stay tuned to this blog to see the cover early. Or be among the first if you subscribe to my Jill James newsletter!

Jill James, author of the Mistletoe Valley series.

Tempting Adam – republished

Tempting Adam was my first published book, published by The Wild Rose Press. I got the rights back to it, let it sit for a while, got a new cover, and polished it up.

My cover artist did an amazing job!! I love the design, the couple, the whole vibe.

If you haven’t already read Tempting Adam, get it HERE!

Jill James, author of the Sirens of St. Eden series

Tempting Adam/Taming Brad

More like guidelines

I love that line in the Pirates of the Caribbean movie. I think of it every time I put a deadline on my writing project.

A deadline for a book is not written in stone, especially for us self-published authors. I like having a date to aim for, but life happens and sometimes you just need a break. Sometimes the words come, and sometimes they don’t. You can’t force them.

That said, I try really hard to make my self-imposed deadlines. But July has just gotten away from me and the first draft of Ghostly Perceptions, book 3 of the Ghost Releasers, Inc. series is not going to happen by July 31st. I will keep writing and hope for some of the story to unfold by the end of the month, but I’m not going to beat myself up when I hear the whoosh of that dateline flying by.

I think since Ghostly Deceptions, book 2 in the series went along so well I was spoiled by the ease of uploading waaaay ahead of time, to finish the paperback version, and to just need the paperback cover to complete the job. Teach me to things would always go along that swimmingly. LOL

Do you set timelines and deadlines for yourself? Do you get mad at yourself when you don’t meet your expectations?

Jill James, author of the Ghost Releasers, Inc. series of ghost paranormal romances

Halfway There

Tear another calendar page off. We are halfway through the year. Hello, July!

I’m pretty much on course for the plans I made for this year. Christmas novella for box set is done, just needs a cover. First three zombie books are in a box set. Zombie book #4 is done and published. Ghost book #2 is in final edits and will release August 9th. Plotting for Ghost book #3 is done and will start writing today for July Camp Nano.

Other plans for this year: Shifter book #2 is a few thousand words in, so will continue that and hope to have it published by end of year. Working on some ideas for doing episodic work on Amazon Vella, maybe with J. James pseudonym.

Do you set goals for your year? Are you on course? Ahead? Behind? No matter, just keep going!!

Jill James, uber planner and plotter

Preorder – Ghostly Deceptions

Ghostly Deceptions — Andrea and Luke’s story — Available to preorder on AMAZON.

The Ghost Releasers, Inc. team is back with another paranormal tale. Andrea Martin-Stovall doesn’t believe in ghosts until she is possessed by Andi, a ghost from the age of jazz and bathtub gin. Even though he is part of the Ghost Releasers team, Luke Tremaine doesn’t believe in what he can’t touch and see, until Andrea starts acting like she isn’t herself anymore. When ghostly deceptions tear through her life, Andrea will have to face the impossible–she needs paranormal help. Luke will have to face the fact the woman he’s fallen for may not be the woman he thinks she is at all.

Ghostly Deceptions is book #2 in the Ghost Releasers, Inc. series of paranormal ghost romance.

Jill James, writer of paranormal romance

Cover Reveal – Ghostly Deceptions

I love showing off the beautiful covers Elaina Lee of For the Muse Designs makes for my books. I just give her a few details and she nails it–every time!

Andrea and Luke were an awesome couple to write. Definitely an enemies to lovers tale with a ghostly twist.

Even with her sister’s paranormal adventures in Ghostly Intentions and Luke being a part of the Ghost Releasers business, they both refuse to believe in the Otherworld. Too bad ghosts don’t care if you believe in them or not!!

When a spirit takes over Andrea’s mind, body, and life, they will have no choice but to believe and figure out how to fight ghostly deceptions.

Now available for preorder on AMAZON Releasing August 9, 2021!!

Jill James, author of the Ghost Releasers, Inc. series

Cover Reveal!

Getting a cover for my newest book this week. Ghostly Deceptions is on preorder for a release date of August 9th, 2021. On Amazon it has a placeholder cover I did myself. LOL If you see it, you will know why I have a cover artist for all of my covers.

Subscribers to my newsletter get to see exclusive cover reveals before anyone else!!

Sign up for the newsletter HERE or click on the scroll on the sidebar and be among the first to see the new cover for Ghostly Deceptions, coming in August!

Jill James, author of the Ghost Releasers, Inc. series of paranormal ghost romances