Excerpt – Escape Plan Z

Escape Plan Z is one of my current works in progress (zompoc fiction)

“Jones, Miranda.”

“Here,” she managed to squeak out above the clang of her shackles as she tried to raise her hand as if she were still in school instead of a prisoner on a train.

The woman in the seat next to her smirked as she replied “Yo” to her own name.

As the guard in the front of the train car laid down the rules, she hung her head, staring at the shackles on her ankles connecting her to the pitted, rusted floor. Half-listening, she randomly heard ‘don’t do this, and don’t do that.’ Since she was not going to cause any trouble, she shut out the rest of the speech. “I’m not supposed to be here,” she whispered as the train wheels squealed at start-up. Like everything else, the whole thing sounded on its last leg.

Jill James, author of the Time of Zombies series

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