3 Signs that Spring is Here – Jill James

Here in Northern California there are a few signs that spring is here. Sorry, stuck-with-cold people in the Midwest and the East Coast.

spring tree1. The trees are blossoming even though it is only the end of February. Even though the husband just pruned them last week and they were bare.

2. The doors and windows are open for most of the day. Chilly in the morning and once the sun sets, but in between…fresh air into the house.

and 3. I have cabin fever and actually want to go outside. This is a big sign because I am so NOT outdoors girl. I’m happiest with a book to read, curled up on the couch or sitting at my desk at the keyboard of the computer.

Happy Spring!

Jill James, writer of contemporary and paranormal romance
(busy working on secret Authors of Main Street project)
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